
In June of '43
There was a military coup
Behind it was a gang called
The G.O.U.
Who did not feel
The need to be elected
They had themselves a party
at the point of a gun

They were slightly to the right
of Attila the Hun

A bomb or two
And very few objected

Just one shell
And governments fall like flies
Ka-pow, die
They stumble and fall

Backs to the wall

Aim high
We're having a ball

The tank and bullet ruled
As democracy died

The lady's got potential
She was setting her sights

On making it in movies
with her name in lights

The greatest social climber
since Cinderella

OK, she couldn't act
But she had the right friends

And we all know
a career depends

On knowing the right fella
To be stellar
Just one shell
And governments lose their nerve

That's how we get
The government we deserve
