
But behind the jewellery counter
Not in front
Could there be
In our fighting corps
A lack of enthusiasm for
Perуn's latest flame?
You said it, brother
Should you wish
To cause great distress
In the tidiest officer's mess
Just mention her name
That isn't funny
Perуn is a fool, breaking every taboo
Installing the girl in the army H.Q.
And she's an actress, the last straw
Her only good parts
Are between her thighs

She should stare at the ceiling
Not reach for the skies

Or she could be his last whore
The evidence suggests
She has other interests
If it's her that's using him
He's exceptionally dim
Dangerous Jade
We have allowed ourselves to slip
We have completely lost our grip
We have declined to an all-time low
Tarts have become the set to know
I'm only a radio star
with just one weekly show

But speaking as one of the people
I want you to know
We are tired of
The decline of Argentina
With no sign of
A government
able to give us the things we deserve

It's no crime for officers
to do as they please
