Executive Decision

Welcome aboard.
Third seat on the right.
ls that who l think it is?
ln the flesh.
Roger, Athens, cleared as filed.
2-8-0 after takeoff.

Would you like some champagne?
Here, let me help you.
There you go.
Stupid woman.
l`m sorry.
l didn`t do it on purpose.
Have a pleasant flight.
Thank you for choosing Oceanic.

Flight attendants,
signal for departure.

Cabin crew, doors to automatic.
Here we go.
Excuse me, sir. May l help you?
Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
May l help you?
Listen to the sound of Al Tha`r!
This is your captain.
You may remove your seat belts.
Feel free to move about the cabin.
However, when you're seated,
do what we do:

Leave your seats belt on.
l see you`ve got the usual load.
