
I was workin'
in New York's narcotics unit,

that was under investigation
by Internal Affairs.

Somebody fingered me.
I took a six-year hit.

So when a fed named Schiller
made me an offer, I couldn't refuse.

- What offer was that?
- I wasn't on that road by accident.

The feds needed somebody to get you
to run, protect you, get you to the disk.

If I do that, I walk.
They killed those prisoners so I'd run?
That wasn't supposed to happen.
It was a setup.

They were supposed to use blanks, I run,
take you with me. Somethin' went wrong.

- What the hell is on that disk?
- I don't know.

Just stockholder information.
Accounting bullshit.

I copied it all
so I can get into their system later.

This company has hundreds of millions of
dollars. Some guy owns it - Mantajano.

- Mantajano?
- Yeah.

- Frank Mantajano?
- Who the fuck is he?

You stupid fuck. You stole $25 million
from the Cuban Mafia.

Don't call me stupid, all right?
It's me that got us here in the first place.

Hold on.
- Why did they shoot at us?
- Maybe no one told 'em I was a cop.

- Where's the disk?
- I don't know.

- You don't know?
- Puffy hid it.

- What the fuck is a puffy?
- I didn't mention Puffy?

- No, you didn't mention Puffy.
- Shit.

Puffy's my friend. He hid the disk. We're
meeting at the Tokyo Massage Parlor.

- If you can lose them.
- Hold on.

- Shit!
- Hold on.
