
Where the fuck are you, Chopper ?
Chopper !
Chopper, we're fucked.
We're totally fucked.

Just after you left, the pigs came
and pinched Mom and Larry both.

Then my parole officer showed up
like the motherfuckin' plague

to take me off to foster care again,
just like last time.

So how did you get here ?
I cuffed her ankle to the bed.
- That wasn't very smart, Vanessa.
- I know, I know.

I'm goin' up north, and unless you never
wanna see me again, you better get in.

I gotta be in court next week
for sentencing.

If I don't show, I'm gonna get
a year at Camp Gonzalez for sure.

I guess I'm on my own.
Where up north are you goin' ?
My grandma's up in Stockton.
- You got any money ?
- No.

Sell that when you get
where you're goin'.

It's from Spain.
