
You can suffer irreparable damage
if you break it off like this !

- I don't give a goddamn !
- Jesus Christ !

Piece of shit !
Fuckin' pervert !

- Jesus Christ !
- Where's the door handle ?

You lookin' for this ?
- Now you just settle down !
- I'm gonna kill you !

I'm gonna slit your fuckin' throat.
Is that what you want me to fuckin' do ?

Okay ! I'm stoppin', okay ?
You get down on the floor
and get my fuckin' car keys

and you put them in the ignition.
You know, you wouldn't like it
if someone was doin' that to you.

You're probably right, Vanessa.
- I doubt I would like it.
- Then stop it !

I will stop it
if you promise to behave.

I promise I'll behave.
- Are you that guy on the news ?
- I'm sorry ?

Are you the guy that's been killin'
all them girls on the freeway ?

Why are you killin'
all them girls, Bob ?

'Cause I've reached my fucking limit
with people like you, Vanessa.

- What kind of people am I ?
- The alcoholics, the drug addicts...

the fathers who fuck
their daughters...

the drug-addicted motherfuckin' whores
with their bastard...

Hey, I ain't no trick baby !
I call them "garbage people",
and I assure you, you are one of them.

I am not.
Look at you. You're already a master
at the manipulation of men.

I didn't run nothin' on you.
It's so intrinsic to your fuckin' nature,
you're not even aware when you do it.

Stupid bitch.
What, you think it's okay to do
all sorts of bad stuff to me now ?

That's an open-ended discussion, dealing
with deep philosophical ramifications...

something you could hardly grasp.
Take it from me, a professional,
you're an absolute fucking moron.

You know,
maybe I ain't smart like you,

and maybe I haven't finished school,
but at least I ain't a hypocrite.
