Funny Face

Is that girl in there?
Don't give me away.
Maybe you should give them
a chance...

There was no one here when I came in.
If you see her, hang on to her.
I'll do that.
I'm afraid it's all my fault.
I thought you'd make a good model.

This is your idea?
Yeah, I'm the one you sue.
Oh, how could I be a model?
I have no illusions about my looks.
I think my face is funny.

That's what Maggie said.
I hate to admit it,
but she's right.

What you call funny,
I call interesting.

It's too ridiculous
even to think about.

- I couldn't do it.
- Let me be the judge of that.

I wouldn't take you to Paris
if I didn't think you'd work out.

- Paris?
- Yeah. Look at it this way.

may not be as bad as you think.

If it is, you'll be in Paris.
You can see your Professor Whosis.

- Flostre?
- Yeah.

You can talk to him
and go to his lectures.

That way it won't be a total loss.
A means to an end.
Or a means to a beginning,
according to how it works out.

Now, let's see.
There we are.
- Oh, no.
- What's the matter?

How can you possibly
make a model out of that?

You can't be serious.
When I'm done, you'll look like...
What do you call beautiful?
A tree. You'll look like a tree.
