Get on the Bus

I think brother Jeremiah would
want us to bow our heads.

"We made it, Lord.
From all across this nation,
we black men made it.

And we thank You.
None of us is perfect...
...but we seek perfection.
And we especially want our wives,
mothers and daughters...

:54:27 understand that we are trying...
...trying hard.
But we still need Your help.
Sometimes we felt that
You had given up on us...

...left us abandoned...
...forsaken and betrayed.
And we may have gone astray
from time to time...

...but we're still good people.
And we're still Your people.
We're still Your sons.

So here we are,
one million black men strong...

:54:58 the Prodigal Son when
he comes home to his father.

He wasn't looking for a handout,
Lord, but a job."

"Make me as one of the hired
servants," That's what he said.

That's all he asked.
And that's our prayer
as we stand before You today.

Not a handout, Lord...
... but a job...
... and a second chance.
It says to us in the 14th chapter
of the book of Job...

... these holy words:
"For there is hope for a tree,
if it be cut down...

... that it will sprout again...
... and that its tender shoots
will not cease...

... though its roots may
grow old in the earth...

... and its stump may die
in the ground.

Yet at the scent of water...
... it will bud and bring forth
branches like a plant."

... we don't ask for much.
Maybe water is something
we no longer deserve.

We ask instead from You...
... just the scent.
