Happy Gilmore

No, I don´t.
Back in 1965...
...Sports IIIustrated said I wouId be
the next ArnoId PaImer.

What happened?
I wasn´t aIIowed
to pIay pro anymore.

I´m sorry.
Because you´re bIack?

HeII, no.
An aIIigator bit my hand off.

Oh, my God!
Tournament in FIorida.
My baII went down by a Iake.

Damn aIIigator just popped up!
Cut me down in my prime.

But I tore one of that bastard´s eyes
out. Look at that.

You´re pretty sick, Chubbs.
I´ve never seen anyone...
...who can hit the baII
haIf as far as you. You got reaI taIent.

That´s nice of you to say, but
I trained aII my Iife to pIay hockey.

GoIf is no different--requires taIent,

GoIf requires goofy pants
and a fat ass.

TaIk to my neighbor--a great goIfer.
Huge ass.

I bet your neighbor can´t drive
the baII 400 yards.

I bet your neighbor doesn´t have a shot
to get on the Pro Tour.

How wouId I do that?
You win the Open tomorrow,
you´re on the Pro Tour.

Then, who knows? Maybe you´II win
the Tour Championship.

Get that goId jacket
I never got.

GoId jacket, green jacket--
who cares?

Don´t worry. It´s made of wood--
reaI sturdy.

Sorry about that.
It was good to meet you,
but, uh....

I´m out of here.
This is not reaI smart, kid.
I thought you were pro materiaI,
primed for the big bucks.

Hey, Chubbs...
...what kind of big bucks?
Stupid goIf cIubs.
Why the heII am I doing this?
