Happy Gilmore

I don´t know why I´m winning.
I´m in the zone.
The hoIe seems to get bigger.

You Iike being the favorite?
I´m not. With the great pIayers here,
anyone couId win.

I´II just do my best.
The reaI favorite is PortIand. Every
time I visit, it´s harder to Ieave.

Must be something in the water.
WeII, time to pIay goIf.

Good Iuck.
I´m a hockey pIayer
pIaying goIf today.

Happy GiImore.
The guy with the Iong drive.
-Caddy´s name?
-You haven´t given me one yet.

On the Pro Tour,
you provide your own.

Easy with those cIubs.
They´re antiques.

Gary Potter. Great to have you
on the Tour.

I feeI a Iot of soIid energy coming
out of you. Good positive aura.

Nice to meet you.
Is it aIways Iike this--TV cameras,
peopIe and stuff?

Yeah, a Iot of pressure.
Rise above it.

Harness in the good energy,
bIock out the bad.

Harness energy, bIock bad.
FeeI the fIow, Happy.
It´s circuIar.

It´s Iike a carouseI.
You get on the horse.
It goes up, down and around.

CircuIar. CircIe. With the music,
the fIow. AII good things.

Okay. WeII, great. Thanks.
Nice to meet you.

Next to tee off,
Happy GiImore.

Give me a cIub.
I´II get it.
Fu--, sh--, fu--, ass--
