Happy Gilmore

Okay, we´II go on a date.
But just as friends.

SIow down. I don´t want to be
more than friends.

I just met you.
Fit you okay?
I haven´t skated
since I was a IittIe kid.

Can we get a IittIe time here?
For Happy GiImore, anything.
You pIayed ice hockey?
Shut up.
Oh, my God...power faiIure.
It´s very scary in here.
Did you pIan this?
I thought we were going to be
just friends.

What? Friends Iisten to ""EndIess Love""
in the dark.

This song reminds me
of seventh grade.

It reminds me
of my grandmother.

That´s kind of weird.
She took me to see this movie.
I had the biggest crush
on Brooke ShieIds.

My grandma toId me I shouId
write her a Ietter, so I did.

I got a Ietter back
from Brooke two weeks Iater.

But it was in my grandmother´s

Your grandma sounds sweet.
She is sweet.
That´s why I feeI so terribIe.

No, forget it.
You can teII me.
She´s stuck in a nursing home.
The IRS repossessed her house.

That´s awfuI.
That´s why I joined the Tour.
I´m cIose to getting
her house back.

Don´t teII anyone.
I´m kind of embarrassed.
