Happy Gilmore

It´s over. My grandmother
wiII never see her house again.

But you´ve made a Iot of money.
You couId buy her a nice condo.

My grandfather didn´t buiId
any condos with his bare hands.

Damn it,
I hate that Bob Barker.

There must be
another way to get the usd50,000.

I don´t want to taIk about it.
I faiIed, okay?

Let me just enjoy the one thing
that makes me a bit happy...

...this fresh, deIicious, tasty...
...meaty, turkey-fiIIed...
...CoId Cut Combo. I eat three
every day just to keep me strong.

Hey, Happy...
...can I have one of those?
Coming right up!
TaIk about a hoIe in one.
Subway sandwiches
wiII drive away your hunger.

What do you think?
I Iove it. He Iooks so handsome.
And it makes me hungry.

They gave me a card
that gives us free Subway for Iife.

That´s IoveIy.
You know what eIse is IoveIy?
Let´s go get your house back.
What the heII?
What´s going on here?
It´s exciting. We´re auctioning off
your grandmother´s house.

You said if we got the money,
we couId buy it back.

You can buy it back.
Bidding wiII start at usd100,000.
Do I hear 100?

This is the exciting part.
Have fun.

Look at aII these peopIe.
What´s going on, Happy?

Thank you, two.
They´re auctioning it off.
Good. We´II get it cheaper
than we thought.

Two fifty, thank you.
Maybe not. Two seventy-five!
