Head Above Water

I did it while you were playing
with cabin boy.

It's much cleaner this way.
Kent simply drowned.
He probably had
too much to drink.

But we'll never know
because the victim's body
will never be recovered.

No corpus delicti.
Do you realize what you've done?
You've cut up a friend
and cemented him into the steps.
Quick, neat and final.
Did you ever think that I might
have some feelings?

Oh, I know you have feelings.
Well, I put our future
ahead of your feelings.

Our future.
One of us had to do something.
You couldn't, I did.
You made a mess,
and I cleaned it up.

But we didn't do anything wrong.
You don't know anything
about criminal law!

The way things are,
we wouldn't stand a chance!

The only thing you know
about criminal law

is the silly little appearances
you and your friends made

in connection with drugs
and domestic disturbances.

You knew about having
your hand slapped, and that's all!

You've never been responsible
for any of your actions.

I suppose you have.
That's right!
Did you check the mail
this week?

As a matter of fact, I did.
There was none.

No postcard?
No postcard.
