James and the Giant Peach

I know we are.
# Take a little time
#Just look at where we are
#We've come very, very far
# Together
#And if I might say so
#And if I might say so too
#We wouldn't have got anywhere
# If it weren't for you, boy
# Love is the sweetest thing
# Love never comes
just when you think it will

# Love is the way
we feel for you

#We're family
#We're family
#We're family
- #All of us
- #And you

# Think of where we'd be
# If we were on our own
We'd be dead!
# You're what
holds us all together

I am?
#And if I might say so,
#And if we might say so too
#We never could
love anyone as much as

#We love you
# Love
# Is the strangest thing
# Love
# Does exactly
what it wants to do

# Love
# Boy, you know it's true
#We're family
#We're family
#We're family
# Me
#And you!
#Ashes to ashes
#And dust to dust
#Without you, there'd be no us
# Love
# Is the sweetest thing
