Kauas pilvet karkaavat

Excuse me, but we are not open yet.
Doesn't matter. Get the manager.
She is not here. If you wish to call...
She should be. We have an appointment.
There are some men asking for you.
I know. Ask them to come in.
When the bank changed owners all loans
were set for collection at once.

I told them I couldn't make it.
For weeks I tried to meet the new
director, but he wouldn't see me.

Then the Chain got in touch with me and
offered to buy the "Dubrovnik" -

at exactly the sum of the loans
with interest.

A coincidence, no doubt.
- No doubt.

Especially as the new bank manager is
sitting in the board of the Chain.

My brother, a lawyer, advised me
to sell, as in an executive auction -

I wouldn't get even that.
