Kauas pilvet karkaavat

You two go home, I've got things to do.
Things? Going for a drink again?
Maybe I am. If I feel like it.
Dinner's at five.
See you.
We'll eat the soup later.
I bought some cutlets.

Where's the wind blowing now from?
You've been drinking after all.
On the contrary, just one.
I've got a job.

Sit down over here, my girl,
and I'll tell you about it.

I got a job as a bus driver.
Charter tours to St. Petersburg.

So far away.
- The better the pay. Aren't you happy?

Of course. When do you start?
Tomorrow. A formal medical check-up
in the morning and then on the road.

Does a working man get any food here or
do I have to go out for dinner?

You sit right there. It's coming up.
