Killer Barbys

- This isn't a teIephone.
- HeIIo?

It's an intercom. Have you seen
that oId EngIish series on TV?

This way the servants can
taIk to the masters.

He wasn't taIking to the
garage, it's impossibIe.

Fuck! I don't Iike this. Let's get
out of here.

Rafa has disappeared!
What are you saying
about Rafa?

The water is not very hot, but
don't say this is not a Iuxury.

Here are very
strange things.

- The man has phoned to the garage.
- Great.

But he hasn't phoned reaIIy...
The teIephone Iooks Iike
a teIephone, but it isn't.

It's one of those oId things,
do you understand?

- Not a word.
-Have you seen 'Upstairs Downstairs'?

- What?
- Yes, man. The EngIish series.

For EngIish series, Mr. Bean.
CaIm down, we sIeep, have a
dinner and tomorrow we get out of here

Come on, have a shower, it'II cooI
you down.
