La Sindrome di Stendhal

You're not responsible
for all that.

- Where does your family live?
- Viterbo.

Get away for a while.
Leave Rome, I'll tell your boss.

Go to Viterbo... it's close enough
for us to continue our meetings.

I don't like going back there.
I joined the police force
to get away...

from everything
that place meant to me.

My brothers... school friends...
my house, my father.

- Anna, you're back! Giulio!
- Always hanging out in the square.

Hi, Giulio!
- Look who's back. - What did
they do? Kick you off the force?

No, I'm on leave.
Why don't you pass
by old Mario's gym?

Watch out, I've been training!
- Anna.
- Hi, dad.

You're just in time for dinner.
Your brothers are here already.

New haircut...
You've changed the way you dress
too you look different.

Yeah! You look like a boy!
