Loch Ness

I won't be run off by a bunch of
tight-fisted weenies in kilts! Got me?

Now, you listen to me,
you arrogant young whippersnapper.

The people you are speaking of
are the Celts.

Hung the heads of their enemies
from the manes of their horses.

You'll never solve
the mystery of the loch.

The Creator made it that way
and it'll stay that way.

The Chamber of Commerce
is behind this racket.

This isn't creation.
It's about the economy.

What told you that? Your lenses?
Your lights? Your computers?

I'm not a boastful man,
but I know more about these waters
than your machines!

I was baptised in them.
And I am the keeper of them.

I'll tell you something else. This
mystery goes back to St Columba.

He saw it and stated it
in the name of Kirk!

Let's see, would that be
Captain James T Kirk?

You and your puny machines...
will never destroy 1400 years
of mystery.

I'll tell you what.
Come out on the loch tomorrow
and you watch me.

- Good morning.
- Let's do it.

Don't thank us. We liked being here
since 4 o'clock this morning (!)
