Looking for Richard

...and some have greatness
thrust upon them.

MAN 2:
Intelligence is hooked with language.

When we speak with no feeling,
we get nothing out of our society.

We should speak like Shakespeare.
We should introduce Shakespeare
into the academics.

You know why? Because then
the kids would have feelings.

PACINO: That's right.
- We have no feelings.

That's why it's easy for us
to shoot each other.

We don't feel for each other,
but if we were taught to feel...

...we wouldn't be so violent.
PACINO: Shakespeare helps us?

He did more than help us.
He instructed us.

Hi. You gonna see the play tonight?

You're gonna see it, huh?
MAN 3: How much it cost?
PACINO: It's for free.

- Okay, I'm going.
- Okay.

MAN 4: Thanks a lot.
- Your first Shakespeare play?

- Yeah.
- It'll be interesting. Give it a try.

- I saw Hamlet recently.
- How did you feel about it?

- Did you see it live? It what?
- It sucked.

- It what?
- It sucked. I saw it live.

- It sucked?
- Yeah.

PACINO: Anything in Shakespeare that
made you think it's not close to you...

...or connected to you in any way?
- Yeah, it's boring.

A bank in England uses
Shakespeare as...

Cover my account number.
See, it's a hologram.

They use it as ID to prove
it's a real card.

What do you think of Shakespeare?

He's a great export.
Who's moving in on Shakespeare?
The Japanese.

Because they're kicking
the Americans' ass.

And they're all interested
in Shakespeare.

You know Shakespeare?
William Shakespeare?

We're peddling him on the streets.
I remember our English teacher
sent us to see...

...a local college production
of King Lear.

I went with my girlfriend...
...and after about 10 minutes
of these people:

They were doing this kind
of Shakespearean acting.
