Looking for Richard

Perhaps they don't go to picture galleries
and read books as much as we do.

I think it's the effect
of how everyone looked and behaved...

...that one got a sort of Elizabethan
feeling of period.

Experienced classical actors...
...have a few things that
they can use at a moment's notice.

The understanding of iambic
pentameter, for one thing.

Everybody says, "lambic pentameter."

What is that supposed to mean?
Some say there are no rules.
I say there are rules...

...like the iambic pentameter,
that must be learned...

...and can be rejected once learned.
"Pentameter" means "meter,"
and "pen," meaning "five."

So there's five beats.
Which, at its worst, sounds only like:
"Why, so. Now have I done
a good day's work."

De-da de-da de-da de-da de-da.
And iambic is where the accent goes.
That's de-tum de-tum de-tum de-tum.
And five of them:
Da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da.

Make a pentameter line, five iambs.
An iamb is like an anteater.
Very high in the back
and very short, little front legs. Da-da!

Shakespeare's poetry and his iambics...
...floated and descended
through the pentameter of the soul.

And it's the soul, the spirit of real,
concrete people going through hell...

...and sometimes moments of great...
...achievement and joy.
That is the pentameter
you must focus on...

...and should you find that reality...
... all the iambics will fall into place.
Dive, thoughts, down to my soul.
Here Clarence comes.

Brother, good day.
