Looking for Richard

A man that loves not me...
...nor none of you.
We gotta come up with ideas, direction.

KIMBALL: We need a plan.
- We've got to start writing prefaces...

...or, like, a list that says,
"Today we'll do these scenes.

I want you to talk about Lady Anne
and what happens to her."

PACINO: How are you?
How you doing?

How do you feel about Shakespeare?

KIMBALL: This feels good.
PACINO: That's good.

PACINO: William Shakespeare?
- William Shakespeare, right.

- Do you like him?
MAN 6: Of course.

Did you ever see Shakespeare?
- I never studied.
- You've never seen?

Never seen the show,
but you still like him?

MAN 6: Sometimes I see
something good on TV.

- Oh, TV.
- I like it.

PACINO: But Shakespeare, you don't see?
MAN 6: No.

- That's too bad.
- There's no Shakespeare on TV.

No. Perfectly fine.
Sometimes it comes on.

"To be or not to be.
That is the question," right?

- Right.
- That is the question.

PACINO: They do me wrong,
and I will not endure it.

I fear our happiness is at its height.
Who is it that complains
unto the king...

...that I, forsooth, am stern,
and love them not?

Because I cannot flatter...
...Iook fair, smile in men's faces...
...deceive, cog, duck with French nods
and apish courtesy...

...I must be held a rancorous enemy.
The world they live in...
...the world they exist in
is privy to these kinds of...

- Is internecine family quarrel.
PACINO: That's right.

They are clawing at each other
for the throne.

Brother Gloucester,
we know your meaning.
