Looking for Richard

You envy my advancement
and my friends'.

God grant we may never
have need of you!

Meantime, God grants
that I have need of you.

Our brother is imprison'd
by your means...

...myself disgraced...
...the nobility of the house
held in contempt...

...while great promotions
are daily given to ennoble those...

...that scarce, some two days since,
were worth a noble.

By Him that raised me
to this careful height...

...from that contented hap
which I enjoy'd...

...I never did incense his majesty
against the Duke of Clarence.

You're gonna say you are not the mean
of my Lord Hastings' late imprisonment?

You see? Richard's stirring the pot.
The king is dying,
so he's fearful and paranoid...

... and sending people to jail.
This is a situation Richard loves.
He can use the fear...

... the turmoil to his advantage.
He knows they hate each other.

He'll use their hatred
to manipulate them.

You know, to divide, then conquer.
My Lord of Gloucester,
I have too long borne...

...these blunt upbraidings
and these bitter scoffs.

By heaven, I will acquaint his majesty
of these gross taunts.

- I'd rather be a country servant...

Threat you me with telling of the king?
Tell him, and spare not.
Let me put it in your minds,
if you forget...

...what you are ere this,
and what you are.

Withal, what I have been,
and what I am.

A murderous villain,
and so still thou art.

Well, it is a complicated play too.

All those relationships and the wives,
the Queen Margaret stuff is difficult.

Hear me, you wrangling pirates,
that fall out...

...in sharing that which
you have pill'd from me!
