Looking for Richard

... therefore exonerating him
from his crime.

And thou unfit for any place but hell.
Yes, one place else...
...if you'll hear me name it.
Some dungeon.
Your bed-chamber.
I'll have her.
Gentle Lady Anne...
...to leave this keen encounter
of our wits...

...and to fall something
into a slower method...

...was not the causer of the timeless
deaths of these two men...

...Henry and Edward,
as blameful as the executioner?

Thou was the cause,
and the accursed effect.

Thy beauty was the cause
of that effect.

Thy beauty.
That did haunt me in my sleep...
...to undertake the death
of all the world...

...that I might live one hour
in your sweet bosom.

Teach not thy lip such scorn.
It was made for kissing, lady...
...not for such contempt.
If thy revengeful heart cannot forgive...
...Io, here. Here...
...I lend thee this sharp-pointed dagger.
If thou wish to hide in this true breast.
