Looking for Richard

...I spy some pity in thy looks.
O, if thine eye be not a flatterer, come
thou on my side, and entreat for me...

...as you would beg,
were you in my distress.

A begging prince
what beggar pities not?

Look behind you, my lord.
Is Clarence dead?
The order was reversed.
But he, poor man,
by your first order died.

YULIN: Have I a tongue to doom
my brother's death?

My brother killed no man.
His fault was thought...
...and yet his punishment
was bitter death.

Who sued to me for him?
Who kneel'd at my feet,
and in my wrath, bid me be advised?

Who spoke of brotherhood?
Who spoke of love?
The proudest of you all...
...have been beholding to him
in his life.

Yet not one of you
would once beg for his life.

O God, I fear thy justice
will take hold on me, and you...

...and mine, and yours for this!
Come, Hastings, help me to my closet.
