Looking for Richard

KIMBALL: I didn't mean it.
- I love you, Frederic.

I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it.
PACINO: He didn 't mean it.
You kill me, after all I did for you.

- Richard's dead.
- Richard's...

At last we can rest.
God and your arms be praised,
victorious friends, the day is ours...

...the bloody dog is dead.
- Dead!

- Is this it?
- I hope so.

Are we done? This is it?
If I told him about the 10 rolls of film,
he'd want to use it.

I love the silence.
I love the silence.
After silence, what else is there?
What's the line?

SCHOLAR 2: "The rest is silence."
- Silences.

Whatever I'm saying,
I know Shakespeare said it.

Our revels now are ended.

These our actors, as I foretold you...
... were all spirits
and are melted into air...

... into thin air.
And, like the baseless fabric
of this vision...

... the cloud-capp 'd towers...
... the gorgeous palaces...
... the solemn temples...
