Michael Collins

Lucky Mick.
I did my best, Kitty,
but it won't be good enough.

We'll have an Irish Free State,
instead of an Irish Republic.

We'll have our own government.
But we have to swear allegiance
to the English Crown.

The position of the
north will be reviewed...

...but now it remains part
of the British Empire.

This treaty isjust a steppingstone.
I hope the country sees it as such.
How are you?
Is this true?
It's the best anyone could have got.
This gives up the north...
...divides the country.
You expect us to give an oath
of allegiance to the Crown?

They can't comprehend
giving us the Republic.

And that's why Dev sent me.
He knew we'd get no Republic.
He wanted me to bring back the bad news.
We can use the Irish Free State
to achieve the Republic we want.

It's either this or war.
I won't go to war over words.
What if it's war either way, Mick?
You published the terms
without my agreement!

-They were the best we could get.
-In your opinion!

You sent me there knowing
they were the best we'd get.
