Norma Jean & Marilyn

Let's face it girls.
That wonderful guy in your house
and in mine is building your happiness

and the opportunities that
will come to your children.

Split-level homes may be in style,
but there is simply no roomfor split-
level thinking.

So when my Jimcomes home
from a hard day at the office,

our Family Room
brings us closer together...

Is there more?.
What was your name again, Miss?.
Dougherty. Norma Jean Dougherty.
And who sent you to us, Miss Dougherty?.
The Blue Book Modeling Agency.
Have you ever auditioned
for radio work before?.

No. Not before. No, never. No.
Well, Miss Dougherty,
you are to go back to
the Blue Book Modeling Agency

and tell them they should send you out
for print ads, and print ads only.

Under no circumstances
should they put you up for any job
that entails reading, speaking,

moving or anything
that might vaguely be construded

as acting because you do not have even
the slightest aptitude for it.

Blonde hair photographs better.
It can be made to look light, medium,
or dark just by controlling the light.

That's why my biggest demand is
for blondes.

If you wanna go places, honey,
you've got to bleach.

But Emmeline, it won't look natural.
What's so great about natural?.
The good Lord spreads it around, child.
You've already lost the hair lottery.
It's going to look gorgeous.
You'll see.
You'll feel like a different person.
You know,
some women really look better blonde.
