
Let me go, Ponette...
A goodbye kiss.
That's God's room.
It's where you go to pray.

Can we go in?
Not alone.
We can't make noise in there.

You have to ask a teacher
or Aurelie.

Why does God have a room?
Just because. If you
don't believe me, ask Aurelie.

Or ask Ada, the girl over there.
I won't ask her anything.
You never want to,
but you keep asking me questions
about your mother.

Just ask Ada.
She knows tons about God.

And she's a Jew.
She knows everything about Jesus.

Why do Jews know
everything about Jesus?

Because Jesus was a Jew.
Just like Ada.

I don't think so.
I'm sure of it.
You never heard of Jews
and you say it's not true.

I'll explain.
There's a Jewish religion
and a Catholic one.

Catholics are allowed to eat pork.
Jews aren't allowed to.
But Ada eats pork anyway.
- You know what pork is?
- Yes.

What's the difference
between Jews and Catholics?
