
Can't you stay there with me?
Okay, I'll take you up there.
I gotta do something first,
and you can get a cab...

I can't stay!
- Out.
- What?

- What about me?
- What about you?

I can't stand out here,
it's raining.

- I'll see you.
- Where's my money?

- We're going out to the hospital.
- What?

- They're operating on King.
- You know what...?

- You're too much...
- He's dying.

I need it now.
Jesus, you knew that all along.

- You wanna come to the hospital?
- I just want my money, now.

- Yeah, but I don't have it.
- I just want my money.

Who the fuck is that?
What's up?
- What are you thinking?
- What do you mean?

- Are you crazy, or what?
- Crazy?

Are any of us crazy?
I'm not goin' nowhere.
Hurry, Frank.
Okay, relax.
