Qin song

I wanted to die all along.
I wanted to die all along.
Li Si, Zhao Gao,
you're so learned...

but which of you could do this?
Gao's music can make
a cripple walk!

Sire, Gao Jianli's gone mad.
OrganiZe a banquet.
T onight we celebrate.

You beast!
You shat in my bed!

Such precious wood! Ruined!
Y ueyang is walking.
It's a miracle.

I'll bury your miracle!
It is a miracle!
I'll bury your miracle!
I've got the key to my tune!
Your tune will be
your muffled cries.

The most beautiful sound
on Earth!

And I'm the only person
to hear it.

What a shame!
I wanted to die all along.
Dig him out!
You won't get the better of me.
