Raja Hindustani

- Come on. Let's sit in the front.
- No, not in the front.

My cleaner, Rajnikant,
sits up front with me.

As it is, while driving, sometimes
l shake my hands and legs.

- Then where will we sit?
- Yes... where will they sit?

Don't be worried. I’ve a special
air-conditioned place for them.

- Where's that?
- Above.

Looks like he's
going to kill us!

Hold tightly! l think that
this man is crazy

What're you doing?
Look ahead, Boss! Or you
might cause an accident.

Shut up!
- Excuse me...
- Yes, Madam?

How far is Palankhet from here?
28 hours in a bullock cart.
5 hours in a ramshackle bus.

And 3 hours flat in
Raja Hindustani's taxi.

Your name is Raja Hindustani?
Yes. Didn't you like it?
No... it's fine. But it's
a bit different, isn't it?

Yes, Madam. it’s different.
My name is different from others.

My name is Raja because l'm
the King of my moods.

Nobody can dominate me. And
l'm a Hindustani because...

in this country, you find Hindus,
Sikhs, Christians, Muslims...

but no Indians...
I’m an orphan. When l was a kid,
my father passed away.

Now I’m just the child
of my country.

You're a very interesting

Am l not?
Thank you, Madam.
- What's this?
- Why? Madam?
