
Uh, uh, can l-- can I just, uh--
Look, the-the reason
you´re here and not the police...

is that we, my wife and l, we believe
that this might be somehow connected...

- with the, uh, machinists´
union indictments.
- Okay.

So, uh, Jackie Brown.
The man was caught on tape
takin´ a pay-off...

during contract negotiations
with another airline, uh, Infinite Air.

lt was a sting, okay?
So there he is, dead in the water.

He says to your people,
"Can we do something here?"

And, uh, so he offers me up.
Yeah, he said Tom gave him
a quarter of a million dollars...

for a sweetheart deal
with the union.

Now, I have been investigated
exhaustively; me, my company,
my-my family. My family.

We´ve been dragged through
the tabloid mud, courtesy of FBl leaks,
and nothing. All right? Nothing.

Now Jackie Brown´s in jail
where he belongs, and he´s pissed,
and I think he´s got some pretty
unsavoury associates out there.

- Uh, Mr Mullen, obviously we´re
very aware of the Jackie Brown
situation, Mr Mull--
- An-And?

- We´re still working on it.
- Jesus Christ, I think you
should pay a little more attention.

- We´re paying-- No.
Can I make a suggestion, Mr Mullen?
- What? What?

Now, we are going to get
into all of this in time,
but for now, just hang loose.

- Just sit tight so we can get a plan--
- Hang loose? Hang loose?
Sit tight? Which one?

Tom, just let him finish.
- No, it´s okay. lt´s okay.
No, look, look.
- I´m sorry.

lf this were my child,
l´d be the same way. Believe me.

lt´s not a problem at all.
All right, kid, I know
this is hard on you, all right?

But you gotta hang in there.
- How many kidnappings
have you worked before?
- All together, 33.

Uh, now you take away the custodial,
gang, drug-related, l´ve worked ten.

Now, that´s ten traditional,
ransom-oriented abductions
in the last five years.

Now, that´s a lot. Believe it or not,
this kind of thing is kind of rare.

Well, um, out of the ten,
how many did you get back?

Got back seven.
