
ls it dark where you´re calling from?
You got the shades drawn?

Kind of like a cellar, right? Like a
cave? Well, you better get used to that.

You better get used to crawling
in the dark for the rest of your days...

because I am going to get the best group
of manhunters in this country...

and I am gonna dedicate my life
to tracking you down!

- You understand?
- Hey, hey, get your head
out of your ass!

You think you can threaten me, huh?
Who do you think you´re dealing with?
Give me the money!

Fuck you and your $2 million!
Don´t you understand English, you
useless piece of shit? No money! None!

Let me tell you something. You think
you´re suffering right now? Huh?

You got no idea what suffering is.
lf I don´t get the cash in one hour,
this kid is dead!

I don´t get my son back, and I mean
real soon, you better kill yourself...

because when I catch up with you
I´m gonna take my goddam time!

By the time we´re finished,
you´re gonna wish you weren´t born!

l´ll have your head on a fuckin´ pike!
You understand me?

Fuck you! l´ll fuckin´
kill him right now!

- I wanna talk!
- You kill him, you kill yourself,
you motherfucker!

- Give me back my son!
- Hello!

- You want him?
- Yes!
- You want him?

Oh! Jesus! Jesus!
Oh, Jesus! Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh, God!
l´ll fuckin´ kill you, Mullen!
You son of a bitch! You killed him,
you son of a bitch! Goddam it!

- Whoa, whoa.
- Oh, God. Oh, God.
- Come on. Easy. Come on.
- Kate!

- Both of you listen to me!
- You killed him! Not them! You!

No, Kate! Kate.
Okay, it´s all right.

- Take her in the other room.
- Oh, God! Oh, God!

- Oh, God. I wanted to talk to him.
- I know.

- I wanted to talk to him.
- You´ll talk to him, honey.
You will. You will.

- What do we do about this kid?
- Ain´t my problem any more.

Can´t lD anybody, right? Fuck ´im.
