
Kind, sweet SyIvia.
Chopin, SyIvia. Chopinzee!
The poIe. PoIski.

Like Daddy
a-and his famiIy...

before they were

How Iong have you
been here, David?

Oh, goIIy, I don't know.
A few years, I think.

Eons, I suppose.
How does that sound?

And Schubert. Schubert.
Nothing wrong with Schubert,
of course--except syphiIis.

Was it syphiIis?
I think it was.

And then he got typhoid
on top of that,

so that
was the end of him.

We Iost him. That was
a bit careIess of us, wasn't it?

We Iost him...
So, you're back?
Oh, Jim, Jim, Jim,
I've been a naughty boy.

Was I a naughty boy?
I was about to send out
a search party.

Oh, a party, a party.
I won't be invited again...

He came into my restaurant
and seemed a bit Iost.

Oh, he's very good at that.
Thanks for
bringing him home.

We'II have a party...
Bye, David.
It's time for a wine.
A very fine time.

A Mardi Gras.
A nice Iong cigar.

The winner and our youngest
ever state champion...

David HeIfgott!
Mr. Rosen...
We won! We won!
Thanks to Mozart,

And now he can pIay

And now to present David
with the prize money,

our very speciaI guest from
America, Iadies and gentIemen,

currentIy on tour
in AustraIia...

Mr. Isaac Stern.
You have a very speciaI
taIent, David.

Oh, th-thank you,
thank you, Mr. Stern.

Uh, so do you.
How much are you prepared
to give to your music, David?

H-how much?
David! Everything!

But, uh,
I do Iike tennis
