
I'm not damaging you,
am I?

Oh, not at aII.
What's the matter,

Oh, the matter.
The matter, the matter.

Oh, it started out being--
but it's a bIank. It's a bIank.

It was aII--it was aII
such a Iong, time ago, GiIIian.

And that's the story,
what can you do?

InexpIicabIy inexpressibIe.

To--to express
the inexpIicabIe.

WeII, why don't you teII me
what you want to say?

Oh, why not? Why not?
What don't I want to say?

Oh, that's
a hard one.

No, it's not hard at aII.
Look, d-e-a-r, dear--

That's it. That's it.
That's it. Dear--dear--dear.

Dear CeciI?
-Deary me. Deary me.

CeciI was Parkes.
CeciI was Parkes.

Dear Mr. Parkes.
He touched the souI of
Sergei VasiIievitch himseIf

with the Rach 3
in D minor.

So that wasn't too bad,
was it?

It's a hard piece
for eIephants--eIephantine.

Dear Mr. Parkes...
It was such a Iong time ago.
Such a Iong time, you know?

It has been
such a Iong time.

Such a Iong time.
And I...
And I--and I hope--
hope, GiIIian.

How does that sound?
Is that aII right?

It sounds pretty good
to me.

Ah, and I hope you remember me
and the Rach 3.

I'm--I'm feeIing
much better again now.

I'm feeIing much
better again, aren't I?

Yeah, and--and I've started
pIaying again.

WeII done, Roger.
Oh, yeah! Oh!

That was good.
