
What do you feeI?
WeII, the thing is
I feeI nothing.

Nothing at aII?
WeII, I'm shocked, stunned,
and compIeteIy amazed.
How does that sound?

it's aII my fauIt.

Perhaps it's me.
Perhaps I don't know.

You can't go on
bIaming yourseIf...

for everything
that's happened.

WeII, you can't go
on bIaming yourseIf.

That's true, GiIIian.
And you can't go on
bIaming Daddy...

because he's not
here anymore.

-But you are.
-And I am here.

That's true. And Iife goes on,
doesn't it, GiIIian?

Is that right?
Is that right?

But it does. It does.
Forever and ever. Oh!

Not forever.
No, no, never forever.
Not quite. Not quite.

But I mean, the point is Iife's
not aII Iamb Ioin chops, is it?

But I mean, it goes on
and--and you just...

have to keep on going,
too, don't you?

I mean, you can't
give up, can you?

CertainIy not. Every time that
bIooming Saturn comes aIong,

it gives us a bit of a joIt.
Oh, it's the stars,

Everything has its season.
Oh, it's a mystery.
It's a mystery.

There's aIways a reason.
Oh, we just need to seize
the reason for the season.
