
Disappear for a while.
Nobody's gonna come looking.
Nobody's gonna care about us...
About where we go.
You run now...
you're gonna run till you die.
Hiding's not gonna
make it go away.

People aren't gonna forget.
You've got to face this.
I can't, Father.
I don't want to face it.
Too scared to face it.
I'm scared, too.
Nobody's more scared
than I am...

But you got to do it.
You're gonna be OK.
You're gonna make it
through there.

You understand?
Come on.
We got an audience.
I counted three rummies
and four widows on my way in.

Plus, Fat Ralphie's sleeping
one off in the last row.

It's the rain.
Bad weather always
brings in the crowds.

This is one of my favourites.
What is?
"Whatever you do
to the least of my brethren...

"you do to me."
Come on.
We never saw the vendor
as a man -

not the way we saw other
men of the neighbourhood.

And we didn't care
enough about him

to grant him any respect.
