Space Truckers

Good luck, Mike
See you
Who's the kid? To you I mean
The customer, like you
I didn't always
use to be just a customer

Sorry, new rules
They're recycling
all leftovers ok?

Screw all that cheap bullshit
I don't like it better than you do
But I can't afford to get fired
especially now
What's going on?
Well, you know
my mother's on Earth right?

Maybe you mentioned it, yeah
She's gotta have an operation
and it's really serious

And I promised that
I'll be there with her

That's right, I'm sorry
So when are you leaving?
Leaving? You know what it takes
I'll have to pull double shifts
here for over a year

To get on my way out of here
Let me ask around
see what I can come up with

You are a good man, John
But you are not a company man
They only give Earth errands
to company people

And none of them has the balls
to risk taking me

I would give anything
You know what I want
How many times I proposed to you?
I think you left out a few
Last couple of times
you were pretty loaded

Tell you what,
you agree to marry me

I'll get you to Earth
Yeah right
It's a deal then?
John, you get me to Earth
And if you still want to marry me
when we get there

I'll do it
Alright, alright
I'm gonna get back to work
Sonic pig
Cool, man
Get the toll truck ready
I'll unhook the load
and meet you there
