Space Truckers

You wanna lose that?
It's gonna give me nosebleed

It's my good-luck charm
I never take it off

Just close your eyes
and think of Brooklyn

You bitch!
Nothing personal
You've just made the
biggest mistake of your life

Speak tough for a guy
who can't get up on his back

You'll never get off the ship
Yeah? Watch me
Mr. Cutt
There you are, Captain
Lou just went
looking for you, the load...

You want me to leave
Alright, Captain, ok
Back awfully quick
aren't you Captain?

She write you out?
Kill them, huh?
What? What?
You want to kill them, absolutely
You want me to cut them down?
You don't mind if I tenderize
them a little bit first?

You overblown cretin
Aren't you in need of some fixing?
