
They're beautiful, Jerry.
Thank you.

You can call me Erin-
I can't.
I worship you too much.

Believe me..
..I'm no one to be worshiped.
I'm just trying to make a living.
I worship your essence.
If you were a nurse or a teacher,
I'd feel the same.

You receive my note?
I did and, you know, I was wondering
what you had in mind.

I believe I can help you
get your daughter back.

I believe I can
get to Judge Fingerhut.


..a certain congressman who
I'm certain will listen to me..

..because I know some things.
Things? Really?
Well, you know what, Jerry?
You're really a terrific guy..

..and so supportive of me
ever since I started here.

Maybe you shouldn't-
Just give me a week.
Good night, my precious.
Melissa thinks I was in synagogue
the night this happened.

What do I tell her?
You left synagogue and a gang
of skinheads jumped you.

In the meantime, we'll develop these,
we'll see what we have.

I see mucho damages. These strip
joints are insured up the ass.

My neck really feels better,
Uncle Al.

Oh, yeah?
How's it feel now?
Call Little Caesar's.
Order me a health pizza.
Get some for yourself.

No, thank you, sir.
I'm dieting.

I'll just grab a yogurt
out of the fridge.
