
I came here with my two oIder

Ranki and Rankai.
We pIanned to save some cash
and go home.

Wasn't so easy.
We couIdn't find work.

For a whiIe we scavenged,
Iived Iike rats.

We used to purse-snatch

Ranki wouId rip them off,
throw to Rankai.

Rankai wouId run Iike heII.
He'd dump it aII in a trash can

My job was to pick it up.
We made a IittIe money.
But then one day.
Rankai was running with the stuff
and he got whacked by a car.
Dead before he hit the ground.
SpIit his head right open.
Then it got aII crazy.
Ranki and I tried to reach him but
there was a huge crowd of peopIe.

There was an ambulance and
a guy in a white coat yeIIing.

I guess he was trying to find out
if anyone knew Rankai.

We didn't know any Japanese
so we couIdn't understand him.

Ranki and I tried to figure out
what to do.

Then the ambuIance was gone
and that was it.
StiII don't know what
happened to him.

ProbabIy took him to the hospitaI.
He was just another 'Yentown'
no name, no nationaIity,

one more unidentified body.
