
Your looking at Sudo Kanji.
He is, or shouId I say was
a main man

in Katsushika Syndicate.
About a week ago
Sudo disappeared

and the ''famiIy'' put on
a frantic search for him.

But now, the strange thing is
the whoIe gang itseIf has perished.

Gone, they're history.
What do you mean?
Kumicho and aII the other
key peopIe are missing.

Organized crime just can't work
without someone to organize it.

Now, here are your buddies!
Wan Shaun Shen and Mao Foo......
They're Shanghai Riuman.
You know, Chinese Mafia.
Mao Foo's one coId bIooded
mother fucker

or as they say
''a frozen face kiIIer''.

For some reason they too have
been sniffing around after Sudo.

Why, Ran?
I thought I'd ask you to find out.
And their Ieader, ''Rio Ranki''!
He's at the top.
I'm taIking ''RIYMAN KING''.
Sitting pretty on his
beautifuI Yen Town throne.

He Iooks pretty young to be.....
He's onIy 28.
He was a punk seIIing ''hot'' cards
and worked his way up.

Before Iong peopIe were
caIIing him ''The Forger''.

Rumor has it he is aIready, or
is pIanning on counterfeiting
Fukazawa notes......

I'm sure he's going to be caIIed
''The Counterfeiting King''.

So Ran, why are you so

I'm not.
