That Thing You Do!

Y-you're the drummer,
Aren't ya?

Of that group i heard
Last night, uh...

Uh, uh,
Down at villapiano's.

Y es, i am.
Phil horace.
Guy patterson.
Do you wanna buy one of our records?
They're on sale.

I don't wanna waste
Any more of your time.

Would you step
Into my office, please?

You know, guy...
One of the good things about your group
Is there's a nice...

Natural, raw quality.
I like that.
Thank you.
And i wanna tell you,
I've been around.

And i think this...
Is a hit record.
And i found that a hit record
Is like a stew.

All the ingredients
Have to cook together just right.

Otherwise, it's just soup.
Not too early in the day
For one of these, i hope.

I'm thirsty.
I'm not sure about this.
It's a standard
Management contract.

It says if i do my job,
You guys make money.

How do we make money?
Y eah, how? You gonna wrangle us
Up some dances

At roller rinks,
Youth for christ jamborees--

Rock 'n' roll shows in steubenville,
Youngstown, pittsburgh,

Places like that.
- really?
- y eah.
- pittsburgh?

Y eah.
And how would you like to hear
That thing you do on the radio?

I'd love to.
Um, sure.
Well, then,
Leave it to me.

And here's your guarantee.
If i don't get
This record going,

And i mean serious radio airplay
Inside of a week--

1 0 days at the most--
We'll tear this up.
I'm no longer your manager.
I don't know.
I'm reluctant
To sign anything

That has to do
With my music.

What, are you crazy?
A man in a really nice camper
Wants to put our song on the radio.

Give me a pen.
I'm signing, you're signing,
We're all signing.

Hey, do you have
Something to drink besides juice?
