That Thing You Do!

We--the mike's
Not working.

The mike's not working.
All right. Who am i not paying
Back here? Come on.

Man: let's here it.
Come on!

Man: come on!
[Audience groans
And complains]

Thank you.
Thank you.
We're the one-ders.
Would you play some
Friggin' music? Come on!

All right.
[drums start]
1 ...

[crowd laughs]
Forget it.
Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go.
Right now!
[drums play]
Look, guy,
I keep telling ya.

You are the drummer.
You're the backbone,
The timekeeper.

You can't let a tepid reaction
From one matinee house

Affect your dedication
To the band.

I was playing like one of those
Wind-up monkey toys.

They booed us
Off the stage.

Jimmy couldn't even hear
How off-key he was.

You're gonna get it all back tonight,
I promise you.

You know what you need?
You need to sample
The exotic cuisine of the far east.

What do you say?
Come on. I'm buying.

Well, son of a gun.
We're right on time.

Here's somebody
I want you to meet.

Mr. White...
This is guy patterson.
Sit down.
Mr. White is with
Play-tone records.

He just happened to be
In town this week,

And he caught the show
This afternoon.

Oh, great.
I think he wants to talk
Business with you.

Well, i have heard
Your record, guy, and i like it.

I like it a lot.
That thing you do,
You know, it's snappy.
