The Cable Guy

- Male witches are the worst kind.
- He's not a witch.

That about does it.
My work is done.

That was hot up there.
- Are you a friend of Steven's?
- l'm proud to say that l am.

l recently installed his cable
and we just hit it off.

- Are you guys going out a lot?
- Not really.

That guy is devoted to you.
l shouldn't be telling you this ...
... but he thinks
you're the cat's pyjamas.

Did he say that?
Only every five minutes.
Frankly l'm sick of hearing it.

He's a good man.
He mentioned
that you've had some problems.

- lt's a little complicated.
- lt always is.

l asked a woman to marry me once.
She wanted to think about it.
We agreed to take some time apart.

You know ...
give each other space.

She's no longer with us.
l'm sorry.
Sometimes you don't know
what you've got till it's gone.

Promise me you'll never
go bungee jumping in Mexico.
