The Empty Mirror

But, there is so much more
to understand, Adolf.

- So many died--
- Stop!

Conscience is
the Jewish invention.

For us National Socialists,
action follows thought
as quickly as...

thunder follows lightning.
Hitler: Let's finish
this section.

Typist: ''Enigma,
carefully manipulated

enhances one's power
and fame.''

Hitler: Make that,
''Fame, power and immortality.''

Obfuscation keeps
people guessing--

the little feints,
the ambiguities,

ln my first four years,
as head of the Nazi party,

l forbade photos
to be taken of me.

To my surprise,
the efforts to keep
these things hidden

created a cloak of enigma.
People want to know.
They talk.

They were kept on edge.
Yeah, better delete
that last section.

Typist: You mean,
starting with the line

- ''obfuscations''?
- No, no.

From ''There were things about me
that l was not
comfortable with.''
