The English Patient

I was found in the wreckage of a plane
at the beginning of the war.

Can you remember
where you were born ?

Am I being interrogated ?
You should be trying to
trick me, make me speak German.

- Which I can, by the way.
- Why ?

- Are you German ?
- No.

How do you know you're not German
if you don't remember anything ?

Might-- Might I have
a sip of water ?

[ Sea Gulls Calling ]
[ Gulps ]
- Thank you.
- It's okay.

I remember
lots of things.

I remember her garden,
plunging down to the sea.

- Nothing between you and France.
- This was your garden ?

- Or my wife's.
- You were married then ?

I think so. Although I believe that
to be true of a number of Germans.

[ Gasping ]
I have this much lung.

The rest of my organs
are packing up.

What could it possibly matter
if I'm a Tutankhamen ?

I'm a bit of...
toast, my friend.

Sorry I can't help you.
[ Horn Honking ]
[ Breathing Heavily ]
Are you all right ?
I know you hate to be moved.
I'm sorry.

- [ Honking ]
- Hana !

- Jan ?
- Hana !

There's meant to be lace in the next
village. The boys are gonna take me.

- You don't have any money, do ya ?
- No.

- Just in case there's a sale.
- No.

Hana, I know you do.
Come on.

- No !
- Oh, come on.

I swear to God,
this'll be the last time. I swear.

She's a softie.
She loves me.
