The English Patient

I should try
and move the bed.

I want you to be able
to see the view.

It's good. It's a view
from a monastery.

- I can already see.
- How ?

- How can you see anything ?
- No, no, not the window.

I can't bear
the light anyway.

I can see all the way
to the desert.

I'm turning you.
Exploring before the war,
making maps.

Is there sand in my eyes ?
Are you cleaning sand from my ears ?

No sand.
That's your morphine speaking.

I can see my wife
in that view.

Are you
remembering more ?

- Could I have a cigarette ?
- Are you crazy ?

[ Coughing ]
Why-- Why are you so determined
to keep me alive ?

[ Sighs ]
Because I'm a nurse.

[ Sound Of Hana's Feet
Hopping ]

[ Drumbeats, Chanting ]
[ Continues ]
[ Arabic ]
We have an
old-fashioned tomato
