The English Patient

She's in love
with the hotel plumbing.

She's either in the swimming pool.
She swims for hours.

She's a fish. It's quite incredible.
Or she's in the bath.

- [ Laughing ]
- Actually, she's just outside.

Chaps only
in the Long Bar.

Mrs Clifton.
You'll have to forgive us. We're not
accustomed to the company of women.

Not at all. I was thoroughly
enjoying my book.

- The team is in mourning, darling.
- Oh, really ?

I'm afraid we're not having much luck
obtaining funds for the expedition.

Oh. Well, what'll you do ?
More modest expedition,
or even wait a year.

- It's a disaster.
- Remind our families we still exist.

Good heavens,
are you married, Madox ?

Very much so.
We all are.

- Save my friend Almasy here.
- I feel much better.

Don't you, darling ?
We were feeling rather self-conscious.

Let's toast, then.
Absent wives.

- [ All ] Absent wives.
- And present ones.

And future ones.
[ Jazz ]
[ Song Ends ]
Thank you.
Excuse me.
May I ?

[ Slow ]
- Why did you follow me yesterday ?
- I'm sorry. What ?

After the market,
you followed me to the hotel.

I was concerned. A woman
in that part of Cairo, a European woman.

- I felt obliged to.
- You felt obliged to ?

As the wife of
one of our party.

So why follow me ?
Escort me, by all means.

But following me
is predatory, isn't it ?
